Friday, September 18, 2009

First Test Suite Complete

The first version of the test suite is completed now and everything is passing, testing 6 levels of child worker nesting, and some core functionalities such as importScripts, self alias for the worker global scope, the lack of "window" and hiding the worker global scope constructors.

The results of the test suite are this:

worker received: worker
worker: JSUNITY: Running unnamed test suite
worker: JSUNITY: 4 tests found
worker: JSUNITY: [PASSED] testImport
worker: JSUNITY: [PASSED] testWindow
worker: JSUNITY: [PASSED] testSelf
worker: JSUNITY: [PASSED] testWGSVisibility
worker: JSUNITY: 4 tests passed
worker: JSUNITY: 0 tests failed
worker: JSUNITY: 2 milliseconds elapsed
[object Object]
worker: JSUNITY: Running unnamed test suite
worker: JSUNITY: 1 test found
worker: JSUNITY: [PASSED] testInnerWorkerExists
worker: JSUNITY: 1 test passed
worker: JSUNITY: 0 tests failed
worker: JSUNITY: 0 milliseconds elapsed
[object Object]
worker-child queue: worker-child
worker received: another message from parent
worker received: worker-child received: worker-child
worker received: worker-child: JSUNITY: Running unnamed test suite
worker received: worker-child: JSUNITY: 4 tests found
worker received: worker-child: JSUNITY: [PASSED] testImport
worker received: worker-child: JSUNITY: [PASSED] testWindow
worker received: worker-child: JSUNITY: [PASSED] testSelf
worker received: worker-child: JSUNITY: [PASSED] testWGSVisibility
worker received: worker-child: JSUNITY: 4 tests passed
worker received: worker-child: JSUNITY: 0 tests failed
worker received: worker-child: JSUNITY: 3 milliseconds elapsed
worker received: [object Object]
worker received: worker-child: JSUNITY: Running unnamed test suite
worker received: worker-child: JSUNITY: 1 test found
worker received: worker-child: JSUNITY: [PASSED] testInnerWorkerExists
worker received: worker-child: JSUNITY: 1 test passed
worker received: worker-child: JSUNITY: 0 tests failed
worker received: worker-child: JSUNITY: 0 milliseconds elapsed

I need to add tests for the other portions of the API that are completed as well as the portions which are not. Once I do that, I will start working on using a MessagePort implementation for the communication between the worker and worker global scope. This should allow me to plug in communication based on local storage or web database, which is necessary for implementing SharedWorker.

The work I have been doing on the postMessage and onmessage events and how they queue when the objects are not ready should make it simpler to implement the MessagePort / MessageChannel structure.

Right now the most glaring problem is that there is significant duplication of the onmessage code between DedicatedWorker and WorkerGlobalScope. I was allowing this because the code in WorkerGlobalScope uses a closure to remember the scope inside the workerPool onmessage method and the DedicatedWorker didn't need it, but there shouldn't be any reason not to just store the scope reference for DedicatedWorker, too.

I need to experiment with where I can store that function for both objects to use, however. I am finding that the structure of the current objects and how they are passed around is proving quite limiting in terms of allowing for shared functions. Solving this will be even more important as I design a larger framework that includes other parts of the HTML5 and related APIs, available inside and outside of the worker scope.

I will try to create an object called html5shims and attach all of the shim API implementations to the global scope from within the closure surrounding html5shims. The current implementation of Worker uses a style of function assignment which is not compatible, so I will have to check again which browser was requiring that and see if I can find a different way.

Here's that style if you're curious:

Worker = (function InitWorker(window,navigator,wgsSource) {
                  function DedicatedWorker (url) {
              return DedicatedWorker;

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